siriusphp / validation
2023-11-19 15:40 UTC
- php: >=8.0
Requires (Dev)
- pestphp/pest: *
- pestphp/pest-plugin-drift: ^2.5
- phpstan/phpstan: ^1.10
Sirius Validation是一个数据验证库。它提供
默认情况下,库可以处理 array
以及实现了 toArray
方法的对象。为了验证其他数据容器,您必须创建一个 DataWrapper
$validator = new \Sirius\Validation\Validator; // add a validation rule $validator->add('title', 'required'); // add a rule that has a list of options $validator->add('title', 'length', array('min' => 10, 'max' => 100)); // or use JSON $validator->add('title', 'length', '{"min": 10, "max": 100}'); // or a URL query string $validator->add('title', 'length', 'min=10&max=100'); // or, if you know that the validator can CORECTLY parse (ie: understand) the options string $validator->add('title', 'length', '10,100'); // add a rule with a custom error message $validator->add('title', 'maxlength', 'max=100', 'Article title must have less than {max} characters'); // add a rule with a custom message and a label (very handy with forms) $validator->add('title:Title', 'maxlength', 'max=100', '{label} must have less than {max} characters'); // add multiple rules at once (separate using [space][pipe][space]) $validator->add('title:Title', 'required | maxlength(255) | minlength(min=10)'); // add all your rules at once $validator->add([ 'title:Title' => 'required | maxlength(100)', 'content:Content' => 'required', 'source:Source' => 'website' ], [ 'content.required' => 'The content field should have a velue' ]); // add nested rules $validator->add('recipients[*]:Recipients', 'email'); //all recipients must be valid email addresses $validator->add('shipping_address[city]:City', 'MyApp\Validator\City'); // uses a custom validator to validate the shipping city