
Neat Log 组件

0.2.1 2020-01-06 11:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-21 17:44:31 UTC


Stable Version Build Status

Neat log 组件提供了一种干净且易于表达的 API,用于构建符合 PSR-3 的日志记录器,以满足您的需求。


要安装此包,只需在命令行中运行 composer

composer require neat/log




$log = new Neat\Log\File('logs/app.log');

// Use a predefined log level
$log->debug('Just saying hi');
$log->info('Business as usual');
$log->notice('Now you might want to read this');
$log->warning('Getting a little uncomfortable here');
$log->error('Something has gone wrong');
$log->alert('Get the defibrillators!');
$log->emergency('System passed away');

// Or any custom level
$log->log('meltdown', 'Clear the region ASAP!');


要将消息发送到系统日志,只需创建一个 Syslog 实例。


// The first parameter is an identifier that gets prepended to each message.
$log = new Neat\Log\Syslog('AppIdentifier');

// Any of the default log levels are used to determine the syslog message priority
$log->info('...'); // logs a syslog entry with LOG_INFO priority




// Create a destination log first
$log = new Neat\Log\File('app.log');

// Works with all predefined log level methods
$log->info('Record deleted', ['by' => 'John']);

// The custom log method supports context too
$log->log('query', 'SELECT * FROM posts', ['duration' => '0.0001s']);


要管理日志详细程度并省略不需要的消息,可以在现有的日志记录器之上堆叠 Filter 日志记录器。


use Neat\Log\File;
use Neat\Log\Filter;
use Neat\Log\Record;

// Create a destination log first
$log = new File('filtered.log');

// Then attach the Filter to log warnings and more severe entries only
$log = new Filter($log, new Filter\Severity('warning'));

// If you want to log messages matching a pattern, there's filter for that too:
$log = new Filter($log, new Filter\Pattern('/mail/'));

// The opposite is quite easy too
$log = new Filter($log, new Filter\Exclude(new Filter\Pattern('/mail/')));

// Filters are just callables that return a boolean. Roll your own if you like:
$log = new Filter($log, function(Record $record): bool {
    return strtoupper($record->message()) != $record->message(); // prevents ALL CAPS logs

// The filter logger even accepts multiple filters at once
$log = new Filter($log, new Filter\Severity('warning'), new Filter\Pattern('/keyword/'));




use Neat\Log\File;
use Neat\Log\Record;
use Neat\Log\Stamp;

// Create a log file first
$log = new File('stamped.log');

// Then stack the Stamp logger on top with a stamp implementation
$log = new Stamp($log, new Stamp\Time());

// The Time stamp allows for setting a custom format and timezone
$log = new Stamp($log, new Stamp\Time('Y-m-d H:i:s.uO', 'europe/amsterdam'));

// Stamps are just callables returning a string that will precede each message:
$log = new Stamp($log, function (Record $record) {
    return strlen($record->message()) . ' bytes';

// Just like the Filter logger, you can use multiple stamps
$log = new Stamp($log, new Stamp\Time(), new Stamp\Level());


[2018-09-23T14:34:20+0200] [debug] Just saying hi
[2018-09-23T14:53:08+0200] [error] Something has gone wrong


为了增强、格式化或更改日志输出,您可以使用 Process 日志记录器。此日志记录器允许您完全修改和重写日志消息。


use Neat\Log\File;
use Neat\Log\Process;

// Like the other addon loggers, you'll need a log destination first
$log = new File('processed.log');

// Then you can add placeholder substition using the placeholder processor
$log = new Process($log, new Process\Placeholder());
$log->info('User {user} wrote a new post titled "{title}"', ['user' => 'John', 'my post title']);

// Or have your messages truncated above a specified message length
$log = new Process($log, new Process\Truncate(80));

// Or have all context appended to each log entry
$log = new Process($log, new Process\Context());




use Neat\Log\File;
use Neat\Log\Filter;
use Neat\Log\Process;
use Neat\Log\Stamp;

$log = new File('logs/app.log');
$log = new Filter($log, new Filter\Severity('warning'));
$log = new Stamp($log, new Stamp\Time(), new Stamp\Level());
$log = new Process($log, new Process\Truncate(80));
$log->info('To log or not to log, that is the question');

您甚至可以使用 Manifold 日志记录器一次性写入多个日志记录器或日志记录器组合。


use Neat\Log\File;
use Neat\Log\Filter;
use Neat\Log\Stream;
use Neat\Log\Manifold;

$output = new Stream(STDOUT);
$file   = new Filter(new File('logs/app.log'), new Filter\Severity('error'));
$log    = new Manifold($output, $file);
$log->info('This message will only be printed on the standard output');
$log->error('This one will be written to both standard output and logfile');


Neat Log 组件乐于处理您向其抛出的任何类型的日志条目。这意味着您可以使用自定义日志级别、对象而不是字符串,甚至数组,而无需在日志和错误处理程序之间造成无限循环。它只是工作。