firebase / php-jwt
一个简单的PHP库,用于编码和解码JSON Web Tokens (JWT)。应符合当前规范。
2024-05-18 18:05 UTC
- php: ^8.0
Requires (Dev)
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.4
- phpspec/prophecy-phpunit: ^2.0
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.5
- psr/cache: ^2.0||^3.0
- psr/http-client: ^1.0
- psr/http-factory: ^1.0
- ext-sodium: Support EdDSA (Ed25519) signatures
- paragonie/sodium_compat: Support EdDSA (Ed25519) signatures when libsodium is not present
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2024-09-07 18:32:34 UTC
一个简单的库,用于在PHP中编码和解码JSON Web Tokens (JWT),符合RFC 7519。
composer require firebase/php-jwt
composer require paragonie/sodium_compat
use Firebase\JWT\JWT; use Firebase\JWT\Key; $key = 'example_key'; $payload = [ 'iss' => '', 'aud' => '', 'iat' => 1356999524, 'nbf' => 1357000000 ]; /** * IMPORTANT: * You must specify supported algorithms for your application. See * * for a list of spec-compliant algorithms. */ $jwt = JWT::encode($payload, $key, 'HS256'); $decoded = JWT::decode($jwt, new Key($key, 'HS256')); print_r($decoded); // Pass a stdClass in as the third parameter to get the decoded header values $decoded = JWT::decode($jwt, new Key($key, 'HS256'), $headers = new stdClass()); print_r($headers); /* NOTE: This will now be an object instead of an associative array. To get an associative array, you will need to cast it as such: */ $decoded_array = (array) $decoded; /** * You can add a leeway to account for when there is a clock skew times between * the signing and verifying servers. It is recommended that this leeway should * not be bigger than a few minutes. * * Source: */ JWT::$leeway = 60; // $leeway in seconds $decoded = JWT::decode($jwt, new Key($key, 'HS256'));
use Firebase\JWT\JWT; $key = 'example_key'; $payload = [ 'iss' => '', 'aud' => '', 'iat' => 1356999524, 'nbf' => 1357000000 ]; $headers = [ 'x-forwarded-for' => '' ]; // Encode headers in the JWT string $jwt = JWT::encode($payload, $key, 'HS256', null, $headers); // Decode headers from the JWT string WITHOUT validation // **IMPORTANT**: This operation is vulnerable to attacks, as the JWT has not yet been verified. // These headers could be any value sent by an attacker. list($headersB64, $payloadB64, $sig) = explode('.', $jwt); $decoded = json_decode(base64_decode($headersB64), true); print_r($decoded);
use Firebase\JWT\JWT; use Firebase\JWT\Key; $privateKey = <<<EOD -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEowIBAAKCAQEAuzWHNM5f+amCjQztc5QTfJfzCC5J4nuW+L/aOxZ4f8J3Frew M2c/dufrnmedsApb0By7WhaHlcqCh/ScAPyJhzkPYLae7bTVro3hok0zDITR8F6S JGL42JAEUk+ILkPI+DONM0+3vzk6Kvfe548tu4czCuqU8BGVOlnp6IqBHhAswNMM 78pos/2z0CjPM4tbeXqSTTbNkXRboxjU29vSopcT51koWOgiTf3C7nJUoMWZHZI5 HqnIhPAG9yv8HAgNk6CMk2CadVHDo4IxjxTzTTqo1SCSH2pooJl9O8at6kkRYsrZ WwsKlOFE2LUce7ObnXsYihStBUDoeBQlGG/BwQIDAQABAoIBAFtGaOqNKGwggn9k 6yzr6GhZ6Wt2rh1Xpq8XUz514UBhPxD7dFRLpbzCrLVpzY80LbmVGJ9+1pJozyWc VKeCeUdNwbqkr240Oe7GTFmGjDoxU+5/HX/SJYPpC8JZ9oqgEA87iz+WQX9hVoP2 oF6EB4ckDvXmk8FMwVZW2l2/kd5mrEVbDaXKxhvUDf52iVD+sGIlTif7mBgR99/b c3qiCnxCMmfYUnT2eh7Vv2LhCR/G9S6C3R4lA71rEyiU3KgsGfg0d82/XWXbegJW h3QbWNtQLxTuIvLq5aAryV3PfaHlPgdgK0ft6ocU2de2FagFka3nfVEyC7IUsNTK bq6nhAECgYEA7d/0DPOIaItl/8BWKyCuAHMss47j0wlGbBSHdJIiS55akMvnAG0M 39y22Qqfzh1at9kBFeYeFIIU82ZLF3xOcE3z6pJZ4Dyvx4BYdXH77odo9uVK9s1l 3T3BlMcqd1hvZLMS7dviyH79jZo4CXSHiKzc7pQ2YfK5eKxKqONeXuECgYEAyXlG vonaus/YTb1IBei9HwaccnQ/1HRn6MvfDjb7JJDIBhNClGPt6xRlzBbSZ73c2QEC 6Fu9h36K/HZ2qcLd2bXiNyhIV7b6tVKk+0Psoj0dL9EbhsD1OsmE1nTPyAc9XZbb OPYxy+dpBCUA8/1U9+uiFoCa7mIbWcSQ+39gHuECgYAz82pQfct30aH4JiBrkNqP nJfRq05UY70uk5k1u0ikLTRoVS/hJu/d4E1Kv4hBMqYCavFSwAwnvHUo51lVCr/y xQOVYlsgnwBg2MX4+GjmIkqpSVCC8D7j/73MaWb746OIYZervQ8dbKahi2HbpsiG 8AHcVSA/agxZr38qvWV54QKBgCD5TlDE8x18AuTGQ9FjxAAd7uD0kbXNz2vUYg9L hFL5tyL3aAAtUrUUw4xhd9IuysRhW/53dU+FsG2dXdJu6CxHjlyEpUJl2iZu/j15 YnMzGWHIEX8+eWRDsw/+Ujtko/B7TinGcWPz3cYl4EAOiCeDUyXnqnO1btCEUU44 DJ1BAoGBAJuPD27ErTSVtId90+M4zFPNibFP50KprVdc8CR37BE7r8vuGgNYXmnI RLnGP9p3pVgFCktORuYS2J/6t84I3+A17nEoB4xvhTLeAinAW/uTQOUmNicOP4Ek 2MsLL2kHgL8bLTmvXV4FX+PXphrDKg1XxzOYn0otuoqdAQrkK4og -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- EOD; $publicKey = <<<EOD -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAuzWHNM5f+amCjQztc5QT fJfzCC5J4nuW+L/aOxZ4f8J3FrewM2c/dufrnmedsApb0By7WhaHlcqCh/ScAPyJ hzkPYLae7bTVro3hok0zDITR8F6SJGL42JAEUk+ILkPI+DONM0+3vzk6Kvfe548t u4czCuqU8BGVOlnp6IqBHhAswNMM78pos/2z0CjPM4tbeXqSTTbNkXRboxjU29vS opcT51koWOgiTf3C7nJUoMWZHZI5HqnIhPAG9yv8HAgNk6CMk2CadVHDo4IxjxTz TTqo1SCSH2pooJl9O8at6kkRYsrZWwsKlOFE2LUce7ObnXsYihStBUDoeBQlGG/B wQIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY----- EOD; $payload = [ 'iss' => '', 'aud' => '', 'iat' => 1356999524, 'nbf' => 1357000000 ]; $jwt = JWT::encode($payload, $privateKey, 'RS256'); echo "Encode:\n" . print_r($jwt, true) . "\n"; $decoded = JWT::decode($jwt, new Key($publicKey, 'RS256')); /* NOTE: This will now be an object instead of an associative array. To get an associative array, you will need to cast it as such: */ $decoded_array = (array) $decoded; echo "Decode:\n" . print_r($decoded_array, true) . "\n";
use Firebase\JWT\JWT; use Firebase\JWT\Key; // Your passphrase $passphrase = '[YOUR_PASSPHRASE]'; // Your private key file with passphrase // Can be generated with "ssh-keygen -t rsa -m pem" $privateKeyFile = '/path/to/key-with-passphrase.pem'; // Create a private key of type "resource" $privateKey = openssl_pkey_get_private( file_get_contents($privateKeyFile), $passphrase ); $payload = [ 'iss' => '', 'aud' => '', 'iat' => 1356999524, 'nbf' => 1357000000 ]; $jwt = JWT::encode($payload, $privateKey, 'RS256'); echo "Encode:\n" . print_r($jwt, true) . "\n"; // Get public key from the private key, or pull from from a file. $publicKey = openssl_pkey_get_details($privateKey)['key']; $decoded = JWT::decode($jwt, new Key($publicKey, 'RS256')); echo "Decode:\n" . print_r((array) $decoded, true) . "\n";
use Firebase\JWT\JWT; use Firebase\JWT\Key; // Public and private keys are expected to be Base64 encoded. The last // non-empty line is used so that keys can be generated with // sodium_crypto_sign_keypair(). The secret keys generated by other tools may // need to be adjusted to match the input expected by libsodium. $keyPair = sodium_crypto_sign_keypair(); $privateKey = base64_encode(sodium_crypto_sign_secretkey($keyPair)); $publicKey = base64_encode(sodium_crypto_sign_publickey($keyPair)); $payload = [ 'iss' => '', 'aud' => '', 'iat' => 1356999524, 'nbf' => 1357000000 ]; $jwt = JWT::encode($payload, $privateKey, 'EdDSA'); echo "Encode:\n" . print_r($jwt, true) . "\n"; $decoded = JWT::decode($jwt, new Key($publicKey, 'EdDSA')); echo "Decode:\n" . print_r((array) $decoded, true) . "\n";
use Firebase\JWT\JWT; use Firebase\JWT\Key; // Example RSA keys from previous example // $privateKey1 = '...'; // $publicKey1 = '...'; // Example EdDSA keys from previous example // $privateKey2 = '...'; // $publicKey2 = '...'; $payload = [ 'iss' => '', 'aud' => '', 'iat' => 1356999524, 'nbf' => 1357000000 ]; $jwt1 = JWT::encode($payload, $privateKey1, 'RS256', 'kid1'); $jwt2 = JWT::encode($payload, $privateKey2, 'EdDSA', 'kid2'); echo "Encode 1:\n" . print_r($jwt1, true) . "\n"; echo "Encode 2:\n" . print_r($jwt2, true) . "\n"; $keys = [ 'kid1' => new Key($publicKey1, 'RS256'), 'kid2' => new Key($publicKey2, 'EdDSA'), ]; $decoded1 = JWT::decode($jwt1, $keys); $decoded2 = JWT::decode($jwt2, $keys); echo "Decode 1:\n" . print_r((array) $decoded1, true) . "\n"; echo "Decode 2:\n" . print_r((array) $decoded2, true) . "\n";
use Firebase\JWT\JWK; use Firebase\JWT\JWT; // Set of keys. The "keys" key is required. For example, the JSON response to // this endpoint: $jwks = ['keys' => []]; // JWK::parseKeySet($jwks) returns an associative array of **kid** to Firebase\JWT\Key // objects. Pass this as the second parameter to JWT::decode. JWT::decode($payload, JWK::parseKeySet($jwks));
类从公共URI获取和缓存JWKS(JSON Web Key Sets)。这有以下优点:
- 结果被缓存以提高性能。
- 如果请求了未识别的密钥,则刷新缓存,以适应密钥轮换。
- 如果启用了速率限制,则JWKS URI每秒不会超过10个请求。
use Firebase\JWT\CachedKeySet; use Firebase\JWT\JWT; // The URI for the JWKS you wish to cache the results from $jwksUri = ''; // Create an HTTP client (can be any PSR-7 compatible HTTP client) $httpClient = new GuzzleHttp\Client(); // Create an HTTP request factory (can be any PSR-17 compatible HTTP request factory) $httpFactory = new GuzzleHttp\Psr\HttpFactory(); // Create a cache item pool (can be any PSR-6 compatible cache item pool) $cacheItemPool = Phpfastcache\CacheManager::getInstance('files'); $keySet = new CachedKeySet( $jwksUri, $httpClient, $httpFactory, $cacheItemPool, null, // $expiresAfter int seconds to set the JWKS to expire true // $rateLimit true to enable rate limit of 10 RPS on lookup of invalid keys ); $jwt = 'eyJhbGci...'; // Some JWT signed by a key from the $jwkUri above $decoded = JWT::decode($jwt, $keySet);
use Firebase\JWT\JWT; use Firebase\JWT\SignatureInvalidException; use Firebase\JWT\BeforeValidException; use Firebase\JWT\ExpiredException; use DomainException; use InvalidArgumentException; use UnexpectedValueException; try { $decoded = JWT::decode($payload, $keys); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { // provided key/key-array is empty or malformed. } catch (DomainException $e) { // provided algorithm is unsupported OR // provided key is invalid OR // unknown error thrown in openSSL or libsodium OR // libsodium is required but not available. } catch (SignatureInvalidException $e) { // provided JWT signature verification failed. } catch (BeforeValidException $e) { // provided JWT is trying to be used before "nbf" claim OR // provided JWT is trying to be used before "iat" claim. } catch (ExpiredException $e) { // provided JWT is trying to be used after "exp" claim. } catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) { // provided JWT is malformed OR // provided JWT is missing an algorithm / using an unsupported algorithm OR // provided JWT algorithm does not match provided key OR // provided key ID in key/key-array is empty or invalid. }
use Firebase\JWT\JWT; use UnexpectedValueException; try { $decoded = JWT::decode($payload, $keys); } catch (LogicException $e) { // errors having to do with environmental setup or malformed JWT Keys } catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) { // errors having to do with JWT signature and claims }
// return type is stdClass $decoded = JWT::decode($payload, $keys); // cast to array $decoded = json_decode(json_encode($decoded), true);
$ pear install PHPUnit $ phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml.dist PHPUnit 3.7.10 by Sebastian Bergmann. ..... Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 2.50Mb OK (5 tests, 5 assertions)