zenstruck / assert
- php: >=8.0
- symfony/polyfill-php81: ^1.23
- symfony/var-exporter: ^5.4|^6.0|^7.0
Requires (Dev)
- phpstan/phpstan: ^1.4
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.5
- symfony/phpunit-bridge: ^6.3
与其他流行的断言库(如webmozart/assert 和 beberlei/assert)相比,这个库纯粹用于测试断言,而不仅仅是它们提供的类型安全断言。
$ composer require zenstruck/assert
use Zenstruck\Assert; // passes Assert::true(true === true, 'The condition was not true.'); // fails Assert::true(true === false, 'The condition was not true.'); // passes Assert::false(true === false, 'The condition was not false.'); // fails Assert::false(true === true, 'The condition was not false.');
use Zenstruck\Assert; // trigger a "fail" Assert::fail('This is a failure.'); // trigger a "pass" Assert::pass();
use Zenstruck\Assert; $ret = Assert::try(fn() => 'value'); // $ret === 'value' Assert::try(fn() => throw new \RuntimeException('exception message')); // "fails" with message "exception message" // customize the failure message Assert::try( fn() => throw new \RuntimeException('exception message'), 'Tried to run the code but {exception} with message "{message}" was thrown.' ); // "fails" with message 'Tried to run the code but RuntimeException with message "exception message" was thrown.'
use Zenstruck\Assert; use Zenstruck\Assert\AssertionFailed; // failure Assert::run(function(): void { if (true) { AssertionFailed::throw('This failed.'); } }); // pass Assert::run(function(): void { if (false) { AssertionFailed::throw('This failed.'); } });
虽然可以使用上述断言创建任何断言,但提供了一个简单、流畅、可读的期望API。这个API深受Pest PHP的启发。
use Zenstruck\Assert; // empty Assert::that([])->isEmpty(); // pass Assert::that(['foo'])->isEmpty(); // fail Assert::that(null)->isNotEmpty(); // fail Assert::that('value')->isNotEmpty(); // pass // null Assert::that(null)->isNull(); // pass Assert::that('foo')->isNull(); // fail Assert::that(null)->isNotNull(); // fail Assert::that('value')->isNotNull(); // pass // count Assert::that([1, 2])->hasCount(2); // pass Assert::that(new \ArrayIterator([1, 2, 3]))->hasCount(2); // fail Assert::that(new \ArrayIterator([1, 2]))->doesNotHaveCount(5); // pass Assert::that($countableObjectWithCountOf5)->doesNotHaveCount(5); // fail // contains Assert::that('foobar')->contains('foo'); // pass Assert::that(['foo', 'bar'])->contains('foo'); // pass Assert::that('foobar')->contains('baz'); // fail Assert::that(['foo', 'bar'])->contains(6); // fail Assert::that('foobar')->doesNotContain('baz'); // pass Assert::that(new \ArrayIterator(['bar']))->doesNotContain('foo'); // pass Assert::that('foobar')->doesNotContain('bar'); // fail Assert::that(['foo', 'bar'])->doesNotContain('bar'); // fail // array subsets Assert::that(['foo' => 'bar'])->isSubsetOf(['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo']); // pass Assert::that(['foo' => 'bar'])->isSubsetOf(['bar' => 'foo']); // fail Assert::that(['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo'])->hasSubset(['foo' => 'bar']); // pass Assert::that(['foo' => 'bar'])->hasSubset(['bar' => 'foo']); // fail // array subset assertions can also be performed on non-associated arrays (lists/sets). // Keep in mind that order does not matter. Assert::that([ 'users' => [ ['name' => 'user3', 'age' => 20], ['name' => 'user1'], ] ])->isSubsetOf([ 'users' => [ ['name' => 'user1', 'age' => 25], ['name' => 'user2', 'age' => 23], ['name' => 'user3', 'age' => 20], ] ]); // pass // also works with json strings that decode to arrays Assert::that('[3, 1]')->isSubsetOf('[1, 2, 3]'); // pass // equals (== comparison) Assert::that('foo')->equals('foo'); // pass Assert::that('6')->equals(6); // pass Assert::that('foo')->equals('bar'); // fail Assert::that(6)->equals(7); // fail Assert::that('foo')->isNotEqualTo('bar'); // pass Assert::that(6)->isNotEqualTo('6'); // fail // is (=== comparison) Assert::that('foo')->is('foo'); // pass Assert::that(6)->is(6); // pass Assert::that('foo')->is('bar'); // fail Assert::that(6)->is('6'); // fail Assert::that('foo')->isNot('foo'); // fail Assert::that(6)->isNot(6); // fail Assert::that('foo')->isNot('bar'); // pass Assert::that(6)->isNot('6'); // pass // boolean (===) Assert::that(true)->isTrue(); // pass Assert::that(false)->isTrue(); // fail Assert::that(true)->isFalse(); // fail Assert::that(false)->isFalse(); // pass // boolean (==) Assert::that(1)->isTruthy(); // pass Assert::that(new \stdClass())->isTruthy(); // pass Assert::that('text')->isTruthy(); // pass Assert::that(null)->isTruthy(); // fail Assert::that(0)->isFalsy(); // pass Assert::that(null)->isFalsy(); // pass Assert::that('')->isFalsy(); // pass Assert::that(1)->isFalsy(); // fail // instanceof Assert::that($object)->isInstanceOf(Some::class); Assert::that($object)->isNotInstanceOf(Some::class); // greater than Assert::that(2)->isGreaterThan(1); // pass Assert::that(2)->isGreaterThan(1); // fail Assert::that(2)->isGreaterThan(2); // fail // greater than or equal to Assert::that(2)->isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(1); // pass Assert::that(2)->isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(1); // fail Assert::that(2)->isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(2); // pass // less than Assert::that(3)->isLessThan(4); // pass Assert::that(3)->isLessThan(2); // fail Assert::that(3)->isLessThan(3); // fail // less than or equal to Assert::that(3)->isLessThanOrEqualTo(4); // pass Assert::that(3)->isLessThanOrEqualTo(2); // fail Assert::that(3)->isLessThanOrEqualTo(3); // pass
use Zenstruck\Assert; use Zenstruck\Assert\Type; Assert::that($something)->is(Type::bool()); Assert::that($something)->is(Type::int()); Assert::that($something)->is(Type::float()); Assert::that($something)->is(Type::numeric()); Assert::that($something)->is(Type::string()); Assert::that($something)->is(Type::callable()); Assert::that($something)->is(Type::iterable()); Assert::that($something)->is(Type::countable()); Assert::that($something)->is(Type::object()); Assert::that($something)->is(Type::resource()); Assert::that($something)->is(Type::array()); Assert::that($something)->is(Type::arrayList()); // [1, 2, 3] passes but ['foo' => 'bar'] does not Assert::that($something)->is(Type::arrayAssoc()); // ['foo' => 'bar'] passes but [1, 2, 3] does not Assert::that($something)->is(Type::arrayEmpty()); // [] passes but [1, 2, 3] does not Assert::that($something)->is(Type::json()); // valid json string // "Not's" Assert::that($something)->isNot(Type::bool()); Assert::that($something)->isNot(Type::int()); Assert::that($something)->isNot(Type::float()); Assert::that($something)->isNot(Type::numeric()); Assert::that($something)->isNot(Type::string()); Assert::that($something)->isNot(Type::callable()); Assert::that($something)->isNot(Type::iterable()); Assert::that($something)->isNot(Type::countable()); Assert::that($something)->isNot(Type::object()); Assert::that($something)->isNot(Type::resource()); Assert::that($something)->isNot(Type::array()); Assert::that($something)->isNot(Type::arrayList()); Assert::that($something)->isNot(Type::arrayAssoc()); Assert::that($something)->isNot(Type::arrayEmpty()); Assert::that($something)->isNot(Type::json());
- 每个测试只能断言抛出1个异常。
- 不能对异常本身进行断言(除了消息之外)。
- 不能进行异常后的断言(考虑副作用)。
use Zenstruck\Assert; // the following can all be used within a single PHPUnit test // fails if exception not thrown // fails if exception is thrown but not instance of \RuntimeException Assert::that(fn() => $code->thatThrowsException())->throws(\RuntimeException::class); // fails if exception not thrown // fails if exception is thrown but not instance of \RuntimeException // fails if exception is thrown but exception message doesn't contain "some message" Assert::that(fn() => $code->thatThrowsException())->throws(\RuntimeException::class, 'some message'); // a callable can be used for the expected exception. The first parameter's type // hint is used as the expected exception and the callable is executed with the // caught exception // // fails if exception not thrown // fails if exception is thrown but not instance of CustomException Assert::that(fn() => $code->thatThrowsException())->throws( function(CustomException $e) use ($database) { // make assertions on the exception Assert::that($e->getMessage())->contains('some message'); Assert::that($e->getSomeValue())->is('value'); // make side effect assertions Assert::true($database->userTableEmpty(), 'The user table is not empty'); // If using within the context of a PHPUnit test, you can use standard PHPUnit assertions $this->assertStringContainsString('some message', $e->getMessage()); $this->assertSame('value', $e->getSomeValue()); $this->assertTrue($database->userTableEmpty()); } );
use Zenstruck\Assert; // chain expectations on the same "value" Assert::that(['foo', 'bar']) ->hasCount(2) ->contains('foo') ->contains('bar') ->doesNotContain('baz') ; // start an additional expectation without breaking Assert::that(['foo', 'bar']) ->hasCount(2) ->contains('foo') ->and('foobar') // start a new expectation with "foobar" as the new expectation value ->contains('bar') ;
use Zenstruck\Assert\AssertionFailed; // The `throw()` named constructor creates the exception and immediately throws it AssertionFailed::throw('Some message'); // a second "context" parameter can be used as sprintf values for the message AssertionFailed::throw('Expected "%s" but got "%s"', ['value 1', 'value 2']); // Expected "value 1" but got "value 2" // when an associated array passed as the context parameter, the message is constructed // with a simple template system AssertionFailed::throw('Expected "{expected}" but got "{actual}"', [ // Expected "value 1" but got "value 2" 'expected' => 'value 1', 'actual' => 'value 2', ]);
- 当消息与上下文构造时,非标量值会通过
获取。 - 当与PHPUnit一起使用时,如果处于详细模式(
use Zenstruck\Assert; use Zenstruck\Assert\AssertionFailed; class StringContains { public function __construct(private string $haystack, private string $needle) {} public function __invoke(): void { if (!str_contains($this->haystack, $this->needle)) { AssertionFailed::throw( 'Expected string "{haystack}" to contain "{needle}" but it did not.', get_object_vars($this) ]); } } } // use the above assertion: // passes Assert::run(new StringContains('quick brown fox', 'fox')); // fails Assert::run(new StringContains('quick brown fox', 'dog'));
拥有一个 not()
方法,可以与 可否定 断言对象 一起使用。这有助于创建可以轻松否定的自定义断言。让我们将上面的示例转换为 可否定断言对象
use Zenstruck\Assert; use Zenstruck\Assert\AssertionFailed; use Zenstruck\Assert\Assertion\Negatable; class StringContains implements Negatable { public function __construct(private string $haystack, private string $needle) {} public function __invoke(): void { if (!str_contains($this->haystack, $this->needle)) { AssertionFailed::throw( 'Expected string "{haystack}" to contain "{needle}" but it did not.', get_object_vars($this) ]); } } public function notFailure(): AssertionFailed { return new AssertionFailed( 'Expected string "{haystack}" to not contain "{needle}" but it did.', get_object_vars($this) ); } } // use the above assertion: // fails Assert::not(new StringContains('quick brown fox', 'fox')); // passes Assert::not(new StringContains('quick brown fox', 'dog'));