jv2222 / ezsql
高级数据库访问库。使与数据库交互变得非常简单。一个通用的可互换 CRUD 系统。
一个用于处理数据库连接的类。 一个通用的可互换 CRUD 系统。
这是 版本 5,它将破坏 版本 4 的用户。
函数 ezFunctions.php 文件中使用了namespace
文件中以某种形式开始,例如:use function ezsql\functions\where; // Or use function ezsql\functions\{ getInstance, selecting, inserting, };
访问的类属性,现在采用 PSR 1 camelCase。 -
。 -
。 -
方法可以不带表名调用,只需其他必要参数即可。- 带有 前缀 的表 名称 可以使用方法
tableSetup(name, prefix)
或setTable(name), setPrefix(append)
。 - 此 功能 将添加到 所有 数据库 CRUD 访问方法,每个方法名称都将添加
- 带有 前缀 的表 名称 可以使用方法
结尾的预设表名函数。 -
将 cleanInput 重命名为 clean_string
将 createCertificate 重命名为 create_certificate
添加全局 get_results 以返回不同格式的结果集
版本 4 具有许多现代编程实践,这将破坏 版本 3 的用户。
版本 3 在一个主要方面破坏了 版本 2.1.7,它需要 PHP 5.6。这取消了 mysql 扩展支持,除此之外,在使用库方面没有任何变化,只是增加了新功能。
此库有一个 Database
类,它结合了 Factory 模式和 依赖注入 容器托管。此库现在遵循许多 OOP 原则,其中一个原则是移除了方法的公共访问属性。此库还遵循 PSR-2、PSR-4、PSR-11 规范,以及大部分 PSR-1,这仍是一个正在进行中的工作。
- 更多待办事项...
要全面了解,请参阅 文档 Wiki,它尚未完成。
composer require ezsql/ezsql
require 'vendor/autoload.php'; // **** is one of mysqli, pgsql, sqlsrv, sqlite3, or Pdo. use ezsql\Database; $db = Database::initialize('****', [$dsn_path_user, $password, $database, $other_settings], $optional_tag); // Is same as: use ezsql\Config; use ezsql\Database\ez_****; $settings = new Config('****', [$dsn_path_user, $password, $database, $other_settings]); $db = new ez_****($settings);
此库将假设开发人员正在使用某种具有启用智能感知的 IDE。注释/文档块区域将包含任何缺失的文档。有关其他示例,请参阅 phpunit 测试,这些测试是完全功能性的集成测试,意味着它们是实时数据库测试,没有模拟。
以下自 2.1.7 版本以来已添加:
to_string($arrays, $separation = ',');
create_cache(string $path = null);
secureSetup(string $key = 'certificate.key',
string $cert = 'certificate.crt',
string $ca = 'cacert.pem',
string $path = '.'._DS
create_certificate(string $privatekeyFile = certificate.key,
string $certificateFile = certificate.crt,
string $signingFile = certificate.csr,
string $ssl_path = null, array $details = [commonName => localhost]
create(string $table = null, ...$schemas);// $schemas requires... column()
column(string $column = null, string $type = null, ...$args);
primary(string $primaryName, ...$primaryKeys);
index(string $indexName, ...$indexKeys);
drop(string $table);
// Creates an database table create('profile', // and with database column name, datatype // data types are global CONSTANTS // SEQUENCE|AUTO is placeholder tag, to be replaced with the proper SQL drivers auto number sequencer word. column('id', INTR, 11, AUTO, PRIMARY), // mysqli column('name', VARCHAR, 50, notNULL), column('email', CHAR, 25, NULLS), column('phone', TINYINT) );
innerJoin(string $leftTable = null, string $rightTable = null,
string $leftColumn = null, string $rightColumn = null, string $tableAs = null, $condition = EQ);
leftJoin(string $leftTable = null, string $rightTable = null,
string $leftColumn = null, string $rightColumn = null, string $tableAs = null, $condition = EQ);
rightJoin(string $leftTable = null, string $rightTable = null,
string $leftColumn = null, string $rightColumn = null, string $tableAs = null, $condition = EQ);
fullJoin(string $leftTable = null, string $rightTable = null,
string $leftColumn = null, string $rightColumn = null, string $tableAs = null, $condition = EQ);
prepareOn(); // When activated will use prepare statements for all shortcut SQL Methods calls. prepareOff(); // When off shortcut SQL Methods calls will use vendors escape routine instead. This is the default behavior.
快捷 SQL 方法
union(string $table = null, $columnFields = '*', ...$conditions);
unionAll(string $table = null, $columnFields = '*', ...$conditions);
orderBy($orderBy, $order);
limit($numberOf, $offset = null)
where( ...$whereConditions);
select(string $table = null, $columnFields = '*', ...$conditions);
create_select(string $newTable, $fromColumns, $oldTable = null, ...$conditions);
select_into(string $newTable, $fromColumns, $oldTable = null, ...$conditions);
更新(string $table = null, $keyAndValue, ...$whereConditions);
删除(string $table = null, ...$whereConditions);
替换(string $table = null, $keyAndValue);
插入(string $table = null, $keyAndValue);
创建(string $table = null, ...$schemas);
删除表(string $table = null);
修改(string $table = null, ...$alteringSchema);
插入选择(string $toTable = null, $toColumns = '*', $fromTable = null, $fromColumns = '*', ...$conditions);
// The variadic ...$whereConditions, and ...$conditions parameters, // represent the following global functions. // They are comparison expressions returning an array with the given arguments, // the last arguments of _AND, _OR, _NOT, _andNOT will combine expressions eq('column', $value, _AND), // combine next expression neq('column', $value, _OR), // will combine next expression again ne('column', $value), // the default is _AND so will combine next expression lt('column', $value) lte('column', $value) gt('column', $value) gte('column', $value) isNull('column') isNotNull('column') like('column', '_%?') notLike('column', '_%?') in('column', ...$value) notIn('column', ...$value) between('column', $value, $value2) notBetween('column', $value, $value2) // The above should be used within the where( ...$whereConditions) clause // $value will protected by either using escape or prepare statement
// To allow simple grouping of basic $whereConditions, // wrap the following around a group of the above comparison // expressions within the where( ...$whereConditions) clause grouping( eq(key, value, combiner ), eq(key, value, combiner ) ) // The above will wrap beginning and end grouping in a where statement // where required to break down your where clause.
// Note: The usage of this method will require the user/developer to check // if `query_string` or `param_array` is valid. // // This is really an `private` internal method for other shortcut methods, // it's made public for `class development` usage only. // // // Supply the the whole `query` string, and placing '?' within, with the same number of arguments in an array. // It will then determine arguments type, execute, and return results. query_prepared(string $query_string, array $param_array); // You will need to call this method to get last successful query result. // It wll return an object array. queryResult();
// To get all shortcut SQL methods calls to use prepare statements $db->prepareOn(); // This needs to be called at least once at instance creation $values = []; $values['name'] = $user; $values['email'] = $address; $values['phone'] = $number; $db->insert('profile', $values); $db->insert('profile', ['name' => 'john john', 'email' => 'john@email', 'phone' => 123456]); // returns result set given the table name, column fields, and ...conditions $result = $db->select('profile', 'phone', eq('email', $email), between('id', 1, $values)); foreach ($result as $row) { echo $row->phone; } $result = $db->select('profile', 'name, email', // Conditionals can also be called, stacked with other functions like: // innerJoin(), leftJoin(), rightJoin(), fullJoin() // as (leftTable, rightTable, leftColumn, rightColumn, tableAs, equal condition), // where( eq( columns, values, _AND ), like( columns, _d ) ), // groupBy( columns ), // having( between( columns, values1, values2 ) ), // orderBy( columns, desc ), // limit( numberOfRecords, offset ), // union(table, columnFields, conditions), // unionAll(table, columnFields, conditions) $db->where( eq('phone', $number, _OR), neq('id', 5) ), // another way: where( array(key, operator, value, combine, combineShifted) ); // or as strings double spaced: where( "key operator value combine combineShifted" ); $db->orderBy('name'), $db->limit(1) ); foreach ($result as $row) { echo $row->name.' '.$row->email; } // To get results in `JSON` format $json = get_results(JSON, $db);
$db->query_prepared('INSERT INTO profile( name, email, phone) VALUES( ?, ?, ? );', [$user, $address, $number]); $db->query_prepared('SELECT name, email FROM profile WHERE phone = ? OR id != ?', [$number, 5]); $result = $db->queryResult(); // the last query that has results are stored in `lastResult` protected property // Or for results in other formats use the global function, will use global database instance if no `$db` supplied $result = get_results(/* OBJECT|ARRAY_A|ARRAY_N|JSON */, $db); // Defaults to `OBJECT` foreach ($result as $row) { echo $row->name.' '.$row->email; }
大多数快捷方法都有对应的 全局 函数。它们只能通过在 .php
use function ezsql\functions\functionBelow; // Or as here, a complete list. use function ezsql\functions\{ database, mysqlInstance, pgsqlInstance, mssqlInstance, sqliteInstance, pdoInstance, tagInstance, setInstance, getInstance, clearInstance, get_vendor, /// to_string, clean_string, is_traversal, sanitize_path, create_certificate, /// column, primary, foreign, unique, index, addColumn, dropColumn, changingColumn, /// eq, neq, ne, lt, lte, gt, gte, isNull, isNotNull, like, in, notLike, notIn, between, notBetween, /// where, grouping, groupBy, having, orderBy, limit, innerJoin, leftJoin, rightJoin, fullJoin, union, unionAll, /// creating, deleting, dropping, replacing, selecting, inserting, altering, get_results, table_setup, set_table, set_prefix, select_into, insert_select, create_select, };
有关函数 用法/文档,请参阅 ezFunctions.php。
关于作者和 贡献者
鼓励和欢迎贡献;我总是很高兴在Github上收到反馈或拉取请求 :) 为错误和新的功能创建 Github Issues,并评论你感兴趣的问题。
ezsql 是开源软件,最初根据 (LGPL-3.0) 许可,附加部分根据 (MIT) 许可。