eonx-com / search
- php: >=7.3
- ext-json: *
- doctrine/orm: ^2.6
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch: ^7.5
- eonx-com/externals: ^1.0 || ^2.0
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^6.3
- illuminate/console: ^5.8 || ^6.0
Requires (Dev)
- eonx-com/easy-entity-change: ^2.0
- eonx-com/multitenancy: ^1.0
- eonx-com/standards: ^0.3
- eonx-com/test-utils: ^0.2
- eonx-com/utils: ^1.0
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ^2.15
- guzzlehttp/psr7: ^1.5
- illuminate/container: ^5.8 || ^6.0
- illuminate/support: ^5.8 || ^6.0
- monolog/monolog: ^1.24 || ^2.0
- phpmd/phpmd: ^2.6
- phpstan/phpstan: ^0.12
- phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: ^0.12
- phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules: ^0.12
- phpunit/phpunit: ^8.4
- roave/security-advisories: dev-master
- sebastian/phpcpd: ^5.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: 3.*
- symfony/symfony: ^3.0|^4.0|^5.0
- vlucas/phpdotenv: ^3.0
- loyaltycorp/easy-entity-change: Required when using the Laravel events bridge
- loyaltycorp/multitenancy: Required when using provider specific search handlers
- monolog/monolog: Required when using the Laravel bridge
- vlucas/phpdotenv: Required when using the Laravel bridge
- loyaltycorp/search: ^2.1
- dev-master / 3.0.x-dev
- v3.0.3
- v3.0.2
- v3.0.1
- v3.0.0
- v3.0.0-beta3
- v3.0.0-beta2
- v3.0.0-beta1
- v2.x-dev
- v2.1.13
- v2.1.12
- v2.1.11
- v2.1.10
- v2.1.9
- v2.1.8
- v2.1.7
- v2.1.6
- v2.1.5
- v2.1.4
- v2.1.3
- v2.1.2
- v2.1.1
- v2.1.0
- v2.0.6
- v2.0.5
- v2.0.4
- v2.0.3
- v2.0.2
- v2.0.1
- v2.0.0
- v2.0.0-beta2
- v2.0.0-beta1
- v1.2.0
- v1.1.7
- v1.1.6
- v1.1.5
- v1.1.4
- v1.1.3
- v1.1.2
- v1.1.1
- v1.1.0
- v1.0.9
- v1.0.8
- v1.0.7
- v1.0.6
- v1.0.5
- v1.0.4
- v1.0.3
- v1.0.2
- v1.0.1
- v1.0.0
- dev-dependabot/composer/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer-tw-2.15or-tw-3.0
- dev-dependabot/add-v2-config-file
- dev-feature/logstash-migration
- dev-fix/symfony-5-compatibility
- dev-feature/github-actions
- dev-whitesource/configure
- dev-dependabot/composer/phpunit/phpunit-tw-8.4or-tw-9.0
- dev-feature/use-prefill-in-populator
- dev-feature/PYMT-1753-preloading-batches-of-entities
- dev-poc/related-search
- dev-fix/update-breakages
- dev-feature/symfony-bridge
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2024-09-05 02:09:49 UTC
- 提供了索引管理命令,允许在不破坏现有索引的情况下进行重新索引。
- 仅在索引映射发生变化时才会重新索引的命令选项(尚未实现 PYMT-1690)
- Lumen服务提供者会自动发现任何带有
标签的服务,并将使用这些发现的处理程序在Elasticsearch中创建和管理索引。 - Lumen桥提供了一种监听器,它将通过EasyEntityChange的使用来响应任何Doctrine实体变化。
- 搜索处理程序接口提供了多种实现选项,具体取决于应用需求。
生命周期 - 索引管理
# This command will create initial indices that are suffixed with the current date, and add an alias # for each one that is suffixed with _new. No aliases exist at the root at this time. # # The system creates a `transactions_20200102121314` and a `transactions_new` alias that points to # the date suffixed index. $ ./artisan search:index:create # This command fills the _new aliases with all document data for any search handlers that implement # the TransformableSearchHandlerInterface. This command has options for synchronously filling or # creating jobs to fill with workers. # # The system fills all data from the `getFillIterable` method on the TransactionSearchHandler. The # index is still not live at this point. $ ./artisan search:index:fill # This command will atomically swap any root (live) aliases for any indices suffixed with _new that # have had data populated. After this command is run, the application has been switched to the new # indexes. # # The system sees that `transactions_new` (which points to `transactions_20200102121314`) has data # in it, and atomically swaps `transactions` (which currently points to # `transactions_20191212121212`) to now point to `transactions_20200102121314`. All index changes # occur at the same time and if any fail to swap, they all fail. $ ./artisan search:index:live # This command cleans up any old aliases/indices that are no longer required. # # The `transactions_2019121212` index is removed. $ ./artisan search:index:clean
生命周期 - 对Doctrine变化的响应
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Services\Search; use EonX\EasyEntityChange\DataTransferObjects\ChangedEntity; use LoyaltyCorp\Search\Bridge\Doctrine\DoctrineSearchHandler; use LoyaltyCorp\Search\DataTransferObjects\DocumentAction; use LoyaltyCorp\Search\DataTransferObjects\DocumentDelete; use LoyaltyCorp\Search\DataTransferObjects\DocumentUpdate; use LoyaltyCorp\Search\DataTransferObjects\Handlers\ChangeSubscription; use LoyaltyCorp\Search\DataTransferObjects\Handlers\ObjectForChange; use LoyaltyCorp\Search\DataTransferObjects\Handlers\ObjectForDelete; use LoyaltyCorp\Search\DataTransferObjects\Handlers\ObjectForUpdate; /** * This handler represents a single index in Elasticsearch, and reacts to a single primary * entity for building those indicies. * * The extends annotation below tells phpstan that we're creating a handler for dealing * with Transactions only, and enables additional checks to ensure code correctness. For * more details, check out PhpStan Generics. * * @extends DoctrineSearchHandler<Transaction> */ class TransactionHandler extends DoctrineSearchHandler { /** * This method is used to define the Elasticsearch mappings. By convention, our indices should * be defined with dynamic->strict wherever they can be, to avoid issues with mistakes in the * transform method or the mappings being out of sync. * * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function getMappings(): array { return [ 'doc' => [ 'dynamic' => 'strict', 'properties' => [ 'createdAt' => [ 'type' => 'date', ], // Additional mappings as required ], ], ]; } /** * Depending on the requirements of the application and if the Elasticsearch system is clustered * these settings may need to be modified, but for a default implementation with a single ES node * the defaults of 1 for both settings are preferred. * * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function getSettings(): array { return [ 'number_of_replicas' => 1, 'number_of_shards' => 1, ]; } /** * The handler key is used internally by the search package to keep track of which handler needs * what data, the key needs to be unique across the application. * * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getHandlerKey(): string { return 'transactions'; } /** * This is the index name that will be used by the search package. Indexes will be created with * a date suffix and aliased to the "real index" name during the search setup or reindexing * process. * * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getIndexName(): string { return 'transactions'; } /** * This method returns the subscriptions for any objects that this search handler is interested * in - and optionally a transformation callback that will turn the ChangedEntity that it * receives into an iterable of ObjectForUpdate DTOs for batch processing. * * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getSubscriptions(): iterable { yield from parent::getSubscriptions(); // React to transaction metadata changes. yield new ChangeSubscription( Metadata::class, ['key', 'value'], fn (ChangedEntity $change) => $this->loadTransactionsFromMetadata($change) ); // React to changes to the user's email address yield new ChangeSubscription( User::class, ['email'], fn (ChangedEntity $change) => $this->loadTransactionsFromUser($change) ); } /** * Loads related transactions from a metadata change. * * @phpstan-return iterable<ObjectForUpdate<Transaction>> * * @param \EonX\EasyEntityChange\DataTransferObjects\ChangedEntity $change * * @return \LoyaltyCorp\Search\DataTransferObjects\Handlers\ObjectForChange[] */ public function loadTransactionsFromMetadata(ChangedEntity $change): iterable { if ($change->getClass() !== Metadata::class || \is_string($change->getIds()['metadataId'] ?? null) === false) { return []; } $repository = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository(Transaction::class); return $repository->getSearchTransactionsForMetadataUpdate($change->getIds()['metadataId']); } /** * Loads related transactions from a user. * * @phpstan-return iterable<ObjectForUpdate<Transaction>> * * @param \EonX\EasyEntityChange\DataTransferObjects\ChangedEntity $change * * @return \LoyaltyCorp\Search\DataTransferObjects\Handlers\ObjectForChange[] */ public function loadTransactionsFromUser(ChangedEntity $change): iterable { if ($change->getClass() !== User::class || \is_string($change->getIds()['userId'] ?? null) === false) { return []; } $repository = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository(Transaction::class); return $repository->getSearchTransactionsForUserUpdate($change->getIds()['userId']); } /** * This method takes an ObjectForChange and returns a DocumentAction. * * Its primary purpose is to either decide that a document should be deleted or updated. * * {@inheritdoc} */ public function transform(ObjectForChange $change): ?DocumentAction { // We didnt get a $change that makes sense for this transform method. if ($change->getClass() !== Transaction::class || ($change->getObject() instanceof Transaction) === false) { return null; } // If we got an ObjectForDelete and we have the searchId metadata, // issue a delete action to search. if ($change instanceof ObjectForDelete === true && \is_string($change->getMetadata()['searchId'] ?? null) === true) { return new DocumentDelete($change->getMetadata()['searchId']); } // If we didnt get an Update or Delete we dont know what the system// // wants, lets not do anything. if ($change instanceof ObjectForUpdate === false) { return null; } /** * PHPStorm isnt capable of recognising that this is a Transaction even though * we check it above. This is just for IDE compatibility. * * @var \App\Database\Entities\Transaction $transaction */ $transaction = $change->getObject(); // An object without an external id cannot be transformed. if (\is_string($transaction->getExternalId()) === false) { return null; } return new DocumentUpdate( $transaction->getExternalId(), [ 'id' => $transaction->getId(), 'created_at' => $transaction->getCreatedAt(), // ... ] ); } }
除了搜索处理程序外,还需要在实体存储库中实现一些方法。此包提供了一个SearchRepository trait来处理繁重的工作,但您仍然需要实现接口和几个代理到trait的方法。
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Database\Repositories; use LoyaltyCorp\Search\Bridge\Doctrine\Interfaces\FillableRepositoryInterface; use LoyaltyCorp\Search\Bridge\Doctrine\SearchRepositoryTrait; use LoyaltyCorp\Search\DataTransferObjects\Handlers\ObjectForUpdate; /** * @implements FillableRepositoryInterface<Transaction> */ class TransactionRepository extends Repository implements FillableRepositoryInterface { use SearchRepositoryTrait; /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\ORMException */ public function getFillIterable(): iterable { return $this->doGetFillIterable( $this->createQueryBuilder('e'), $this->entityManager->getClassMetadata(Transaction::class), Transaction::class ); } /** * Returns an iterable of transactions that relate to a user. * * @phpstan-return array<ObjectForUpdate<Transaction>> * * @param string $metadataId * * @return \LoyaltyCorp\Search\DataTransferObjects\Handlers\ObjectForUpdate[] * * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\ORMException */ public function getSearchTransactionsForMetadataUpdate(string $metadataId): iterable { $builder = $this->createQueryBuilder('t'); $builder->select('t.transactionId'); $builder->where(':metadata MEMBER OF t.metadata'); $builder->setParameter('metadata', $metadataId); $index = 0; foreach ($builder->getQuery()->iterate([], AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_SCALAR) as $result) { yield new ObjectForUpdate( Transaction::class, ['transactionId' => $result[$index++]['transactionId']] ); } } /** * Returns an iterable of transactions that relate to a user. * * @phpstan-return array<ObjectForUpdate<Transaction>> * * @param string $userId * * @return \LoyaltyCorp\Search\DataTransferObjects\Handlers\ObjectForUpdate[] * * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\ORMException */ public function getSearchTransactionsForUserUpdate(string $userId): iterable { $builder = $this->createQueryBuilder('t'); $builder->select('t.transactionId'); $builder->where('IDENTITY(t.user) = :user'); $builder->setParameter('user', $userId); $index = 0; foreach ($builder->getQuery()->iterate([], AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_SCALAR) as $result) { yield new ObjectForUpdate( Transaction::class, ['transactionId' => $result[$index++]['transactionId']] ); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\MappingException */ public function prefillSearch(iterable $changes): void { $this->doPrefillSearch( $this->createQueryBuilder('e'), $this->entityManager->getClassMetadata(Transaction::class), Transaction::class, $changes ); } }